Sunny Lau 刘翁

Sunny Lau is director, acclaimed photographer and founder of photography and concept design studio WHAT A SUNNY DAY. He is renowned for creative direction on hundreds of album and movie posters. Lau created TV series for ViuTV, Netflix and movies like “Demon’s Path” and “A Perfect Day for Arsenide”. Lau’s versatile work blends humor with the dark side of humanity.

刘翁是香港导演、著名摄影师、知名跨媒体创作人,以及电台及电视节目主持人,积极活跃于本地唱片及电影的平面摄影、意念及设计工作,为超过100张唱片封套及电影海报 担任创作总监。 2014年至今,以擅长幽默的方式勾勒出人性的黑暗面,编写及导演两部 ViuTV电视剧集,两部Netflix剧集、以及两部电影。

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