Film Review #75: JOHN WICK: CHAPTER 4
*This film review may contain plot spoilers, reader discretion is advised.*
Another testament to the demise of thoughtful action films.
First and foremost, one must commend John Wick's dedication to choreographing action sequences that are consistently-engaging. The franchise is built on its gratuitous gore and well- composed fight scenes. Its commitment to that in the latest installment is admirable. However, the actual action is possibly the only thing that remains on par with its predecessors in John Wick: Chapter 4.
Photo credit: Murray Close/Lionsgate
John Wick: Chapter 4’s biggest crime is that the crime in the narrative is simply forgettable. The screenplay lacks the heart and attention to detail in character-building that the other John Wick films possessed, instead allocating banal traits to each individual. The writing, and consequently, the acting, stood out as startlingly flat, devoid of resolve. John Wick's character, though supposed to be aloof and taciturn,utters around four full sentences, all of which mimic some cliched one-liner or other. If the protagonist has so little to work with, what more the other characters? Viewers rely on one callback to the fact that John Wick loves dogs to connect them to the fleshed out character of previous films - yet it makes little impression as the rest of his character is hollow.
The production value was evidently extremely high from the start, boasting cinematography clearly cultivated with intention. However, the repetitive panning and ultra wide shots, accompanied by rapid editing, make it feel like a travel commercial for each city Wick visits. The jarring and ill-timed editing, that felt like a first rough cut, instantly creates a removed viewing experience; being cognisant of jump cuts and awkward first-frames make it hard to delve into the story and immerse oneself in Wick’s latest mission.
Photo credit: Murray Close/Lionsgate
Even so, the use of setting and cinematographic composition still felt very grounded and purposeful...until the final act. We finally come to Wick's ultimate duel that determines the freedom he has been fighting for. In front of the Sacré-Cœeur, the sun rises upon Wick's judgment day, and viewers' are confronted with an overly saturated, shadowed, and simply unpleasant, CGI sunrise. There is something inexplicably cruel and sterile to have John Wick, a beloved character across multiple generations, die while bathed in abrasive yellow light.
That scene serves as a reminder that although good blockbusters are making a comeback (Top Gun Maverick, and The Batman are some examples), the majority of live-action franchise films will continue to gravitate more and more into the CGI sphere, losing any semblance of cinematography as a craft.
Photo credit: Murray Close/Lionsgate
It is truly a shame that this is a mediocre film. No longer can an action film be an action film without at least spanning four major capitals of the world, and having the antagonist be a Thanos-level individual with a thirst to destroy all that is good and sacred within the protagonists’ entire paradigm - a tired motive at this point. John Wick: Chapter 4 exemplifies, more than anything, that action films are becoming parodies of themselves, made with the intention to relate to as big of an audience as possible. This yields work that is stripped of any originality, and integrity of former films of the John Wick franchise. Genuine storytelling is replaced with gimmicks, and homage is infrequent, or at the other extreme, included overwhelmingly in replacement of new plotlines.
Action blockbusters have been a staple of film-culture forever, and above all, providing iconic and immersive heroes and villains. The increasing frequency of action films, deprived of real character writing, is not only a disappointment, but it is a disheartening nod to the future of live- action, stunt-driven film.
About the Author: Juliette is a passionate film reviewer who volunteers with Singapore Film Society and is embarking on her next chapter in life with university studies.