Ann Hui 许鞍华
Ann Hui is one of Hong Kong’s most influential filmmakers. Graduated from the University of Hong Kong and London Film School, Hui gained recognition for her debut film “The Secret” (1979) and contributed to the Hong Kong New Wave movement. She is the only director to have won the Grand Slam for Hong Kong Film Awards, and the first female film director to receive a Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement from Venice International Film Festival.
许鞍华是香港最具影响力的电影导演之一,毕业于香港大学,曾赴英深造,获伦敦电影学院文凭 (一等荣誉)。首部执导电影《疯劫》大获好评,声名鹊起,其后三十年,许鞍华导演佳作不断,六度获得香港电影金像奖最佳导演,2020年她荣获威尼斯影展金狮终身成就奖,为首位华人女导演获此项殊荣。