Aubrey Lam 林爱华
Aubrey Lam graduated from the Faculty of Arts, University of Hong Kong. She studied for a master's degree in film at Loyola Marymount University in America. She entered the film industry in 1995 and garnered acclaim for her screenwriting contributions to movies like “Heaven Can’t Wait” and “Perhaps Love”. She debuted as a writerdirector with “Twelve Nights” (2000), with other works including “Hidden Track”, “Anna & Anna” and “The Truth About Beauty”.
林爱华毕业于香港大学文学院,后于美国洛约拉马利蒙特大学攻读电影硕士,1995年以 编剧身份加入影圈,曾参与编剧电影包括: 《仙乐飘飘》、《救世神棍》、《如果・ 爱》等。 2000年首次自编自导《12夜》, 一鸣惊人,之后自编自导的作品《寻找周杰伦》、《安娜与安娜》、及《整容日记》均 大获好评。